A Web site dedicated to my O Scale Chicago, South Shore, and South Bend Railroad.

The layout will controlled by a dispatcher using a CTC machine. The CTC will be interfaced with a PC using DCC by NCE and C/MRI from Bruce Chubb.   I have also started building the benchwork on the back (bottom) wall, the Gary, IN peninsular, and on the front (top) wall (above the Bookcases). In the Randolph Station in downtown Chicago there are a few more tracks to install and two turnouts and the station area tracks will be completed. Then comes installation of switch machines to control the turnouts, glue to hold the tracks in place, and finally ballast and weathering to complete the tracks in this area. Of course there is 40 or 50 feet of building representing downtown Chicago to build or at least build mockups of the buildings, 100s of feet of overhead towers and wire to hang, station platforms to build, trees, people, and wiring for all this.  Then there remains another 400 or 500 feet of tracks, buildings, and scenery before the tracks reachSouth Bend, IN. WOW...someday.

Some South Shore Related Links

CERA's South Shore Line Inspection Trip

South Shore Rail Fan Net

The Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District

The Chicago Transit and Rail Fan Site


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